Smart Summary

.Types of Insurance

Hi There !

Many insurance companies offer policyholders the option to customize their
policies to accommodate their needs. Riders are the most common way
policyholders may modify their plan.
There are many riders, but availability depends on the provider.
The policyholder will typically pay an additional premium for each rider or a fee
to exercise the rider though some policies, include certain riders in their base premium.

HBL Insurance

Other Insurance Products

Your Bank now provides you FREE Accidental Death and Permanent
Disability Coverage of upto to Rs.2,500,000/- in collaboration with UBL

Free Insurance Coverage

        Your Bank now provides you FREE Accidental Death and Permanent Disability Coverage of upto
         to Rs.2,500,000/- in collaboration with UBL Insurers.
All existing and new UBL PKR and Foreign currency Current Account Holders (including Basic Banking Accounts-BBA) are automatically eligible for this scheme from December 1, 2008. All eligible account holders can also visit their branch for an official policy certificate from UBL Insurers.
This scheme is testament of our continuing commitment towards our customers and is aligned with our tradition of providing innovative and unmatched services to our account holders.
For more details, please call us at 111-825-888 or visit your branch manager for details.

Product Features

Your Insurance limit varies according to your closing balance at month end and will be determined 
as follows:

Benefits Table

Closing Balance at Month end (PKR) Insurance Limit (PKR)
1- 10,000 100,000
10,001 – 100,000 250,000
100,001 – 500,000 500,000
500,001 – 1,000,000 1250,000
1,000,001 and above 2,500,000

Other additional benefits:

Double Indemnity: If the account holder dies in any road, sea or air accident together with his/her spouse then
the amount payable will be 1.5 times the sum insured.
Emergency Medical Transportation to move the insured who has a critical
medical condition due to an accident, to the nearest hospital where appropriate care and facilities are available.
(The actual amount of Emergency Medical Transportation OR Rs. 10,000/- whichever is less).

Local Burial or Repatriation: In the event of accidental death, expenses incurred for repatriation and transportation
of the mortal remains of the insured person from the place of death to home or preparation and local burial of the
mortal remains of the insured person. (The actual amount of local burial / repatriation expenses OR Rs. 10,000/-
whichever is less).

Terms & Conditions

All existing and new UBL PKR and Foreign currency Current Account Holders (including Basic Banking Accounts-BBA)
are automatically eligible for this scheme from December 1, 2008. Age 65 & above, dormant (Inactive for 12 months)
and zero balance accounts are excluded from this scheme.

Customers having more than one account with the bank shall be offered single insurance coverage.

The policy shall only cover the account holder. Spouse or
any other family member will not be eligible to receive insurance cover under this scheme.

The policy is only for Permanent disability and Permanent
partial disability; no benefits will be given in case of temporary disability.

In case a customer gets compensation for permanent disability
and he eventually dies, the customer shall not be entitled for multiple claims.

The policy is nontransferable and non-saleable.

Closure of the account, where the reason is other than the death of the customer,
will result in automatic cancellation of the policy.

Information relating to the next of kin in the account opening form shall be construed
as beneficiary information. If you would like to nominate another person as the next of kin,
kindly visit your branch for details. Coverage shall come into effect immediately at the time of account opening by the customer.

In case of joint accounts, only the primary account holder will be offered insurance coverage

Only sole proprietorships accounts are eligible for coverage; corporate accounts and partnerships
are excluded from this scheme.

Policy renewal shall be on a monthly basis, based on the stipulated eligibility criteria.

Closing balance of the previous month shall be considered at the time of assessing the claim of eligible account holder

Coverage Matrix

S.N0 Closing Balance at Month end (PKR) Insurance Limit (PKR)
1 Death 100%
2 Loss of two or more limbs by amputation at or above
wrist or ankle
3 Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in both eyes 100%
4 Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye and
loss of one limb by amputation at or above wrist or ankle
5 Permanent Loss of Speech 100%
6 Total and incurable Paralysis 100%
7 Total and Incurable Insanity 100%
8 Loss of one limb by amputation at or above wrist
or ankle
9 Total and Irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye 100%
10 Loss of one finger or one big toe 100%
11 Loss of thumb and index finger of either hand by amputation
at or above the metacarpophalangeal joint.


No benefit will be payable under this Scheme if the Death or Disability results directly, wholly or
partly as a result of or related to:

* Suicide
* Enmity or personal, family or tribal feud or animosity of any kind
* Pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth or any non-malignant disease
occurring in or in connection with the female reproductive organs.
* Self-inflicted injury, intoxication, insanity, fighting or
unlawful / criminal ac
* Flying other than as passenger in a certified commercial aircraft
* War, civil war or rebellion, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war is
declared or not) and civil commotion
* Service on duty with any armed , navy, air force or para-military forces
* Hazardous sports such as motorcycling, hunting, steeple chasing, mountaineering,
racing of any kind, winter sports and diving, parachuting, hand gliding, boxing,
wrestling, underwater activities requiring breathing apparatus
* Direct or indirect result of Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV)
* Alcohol, narcotic / drug unless taken as prescribed by a qualified registered medical practitioner
* Deliberate self-exposure to unnecessary danger except in the attempt to save human life * Disease or sickness
* Disappearance except in the event of total loss by shipwreck of the ship or air crash of the aircraft
* Exceeding 65 years of age
* Terrorism and sabotage
* Accidental death/disability reported after 90 days of the occurrence of accident.
* For further details, please visit your nearest UBL Branch or call 111-825-888